A massive THANK YOU to our sponsors, without you our series is not possible! Please show your support by visiting our sponsors’ stores, purchasing their products, or utilising their services.

ATS Motorsport Stock and Supply literally hundreds of products for the Motorsport Industry, from Racewear to Fuel Tanks, Tyres, Wheels, Oils, Racing and Rallying Equipment, Safety Products, Braking Systems, Dataloggers and a whole whole lot more. Visit www.ats-motorsport.co.za for more information. | SuperHatch Members receive between 5% and 15% discount on all purchases (buy more = bigger discount) from ATS Motorsport. ATS also sponsors an R2,000 purchase voucher for every event when we have 20+ cars on the grid. | @ATSmotorsportsupplies #atsmotorsport |
Dunlop is one of the most iconic and recognisable tyre brands in the world, with an unbroken history going back over 130 years. Pioneering ground breaking innovations in vehicle safety and performance. Visit www.dunloptyres.co.za for more information. | Each SuperHatch member receives 2 free Dunlop racing tyres, which is handed out at the annual Phakisa race. The overall championship winner also receives a voucher for 4 Dunlop tyres, which may be redeemed for either racing tyres, or normal tyres. | @Dunlop Tyres SA #dunloptyres #dunlopracing #DunlopTyresSA |
eNATS Online; the Easiest Way To Renew Your Vehicle Licence Disc Online. Visit www.enats.co.za for more information. | The Club receives a cash contribution from eNATS, allowing us to fund trophies and prizes. | @eNATS Online #licenserenew #onlinelicenserenew #renewmydisc |
Muller Developments provide ground-breaking, customised and ‘Connect-Ready’ electronic assurances that your assets and drivers are safe, secure, optimised and compliant. Prevent risks such as over-speeding & vehicle abuse and free yourself from the shackles of many traditionally reactive (costly and frustrating) vehicle fleet management scenarios. As a stalwart of trusted Eelectronic & mechanical enhancement, Muller Developments Performance‘s roots signify your assurance in years of experience and success in cutting-edged parts, electronic engine management and dyno-tuned optimisation (2WD & 4WD Dyno). Visit www.mullerdev.co.za for more information. | Dyno power runs and ECU remapping are provided at a reduced cost to SuperHatch Members who pay on the day of the run/mapping. Furthermore, SuperHatch Members can purchase NF Products at a significant discount from Muller Developments. | @Muller Developments #fleetmanagement #fleetmanagementsolution #dynotest #ecumapping |
If you are interested in supporting the SuperHatch Club, please send an email to committee@superhatch.co.za and we will gladly provide you with more information about the sponsorship packages and benefits available to you.