This copy of the rules is provided here for convenience. Should there be a conflict between what is published here and the rules published on Motorsport South Africa’s website, the rules published on MSA’s website will prevail.
- Definition and Regulations
- Aim
- Scoring
- Results
- Qualifying
- Controller of the Series
- Championship Sponsor
- Series Championship
- Classes
- Yellow Card System
- Eligibility
- Protests
- Additional Weight
- Exchanging Cars and Spare Cars
- Additions and Amendments
- Classes
- Body Shell
- Interior
- Engine
- Exhaust System
- Tyres
- Suspension
- Suspension Geometry
- Brakes and Driver Aids
- Ride Height
- Surge Tanks
- Gearbox
- General
- Driver Conduct
- Definition and Regulations
- “SuperHatch” – a class of racing that complies with the following regulations
- All qualifying races shall be held under the General Competition Rules and the Standing Supplementary Regulations of MSA, these standing regulations and any Supplementary Regulations issued by the Promoter.
- All drivers when signing their membership form will be accepting the code of conduct and an understanding of the series regulations. The driver will at all times be solely responsible for the vehicle being compliant to the rules, irrespective of other persons working on- or preparing the car.
- Aim
- To provide competitive and affordable racing.
- To entertain the spectator and provide enjoyment for the competitor
- To maintain a “street car” image and keep barriers to entry to a minimum.
- To declare a class winner for each class and an overall SuperHatch champion
- Scoring
- Points will be scored for each race separately and for each class separately. The points awarded will vary according to the number of competitors per class, as follows:
6 competitors or more in class: 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
5 competitors in class: 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
4 competitors in class: 6 5 4 3 2 1
3 competitors or less in class: 5 4 3 2 1
Full points will be awarded for Coastal and Phakisa events regardless of entries (e.g. Dezzi, PE, East London) - All other competitors classified as finishers in the results published by the organisers of the meeting get 1 point.
- All non-finishers get 1 point. To qualify to score points you have to start a lap in any official session of the race meeting (practice, warm up, qualifying or a lap in either race).
- Drivers who compete at the Phakisa and/or Coastal events will be rewarded with a bonus of 3 championship points per event. These points will not be lost if one or more of these races is subsequently dropped as the competitors lowest points scoring race.
- Where there are 3 or more cars in a class 1 point shall be awarded to the driver posting the fastest qualifying / Saturday morning warm-up lap per class.
- At the Annual Registration day – date which is communicated before the first race of the season for technical checks as well as club registration – 3 points will be awarded for having your car dyno’d and all checks are completed, a further 3 points will be awarded to the drivers that are present for the duration of the checks on their vehicles.
- At the Annual Charity Event, Cars in the Park & SuperHatch social events – date/s which are communicated during the year, 2 points will be awarded to the drivers that are present at the event/s for a minimum of two hours. (Maximum of 4 points per year)
- Annual long distance event (e.g. Phakisa 200km),
- One set of points will be applied for the finishing order and the other for the Index of performance results.
- Where a co-driver is NOT a SuperHatch member, the member will have to complete at least 60% of the race, with the non-member not allowed to do more than 40% of the race distance.
- The driver with the most ballast whether success or late joining ballast will be the weight that is added to the car used for the day
- Where a car is shared with co-driver/s the car is considered as one entry, all co-driver/s will finish in the same position and score the same points unless;
- Where a co-driver/s is in a lower class but competes in higher class car the co-driver/s will not score the same points but instead be classified at the back of their respective class.
- Where a car finishes the race by taking the flag but the co-driver/s have not completed a single lap in the race they will not score points.
- Where a car does not finish the race by taking the flag due to breakdown or the race is shortened for whatever reason all co-driver/s will score points even if a driver change was not done.
- 66% of the race will need to be completed to be classified as a finisher, only cars that take the chequered flag qualify as a finisher for the Index of performance results.
- All non-finishers get 1 point for finishing order and 1 point for the Index of performance results.
- Points will be scored for each race separately and for each class separately. The points awarded will vary according to the number of competitors per class, as follows:
- Results
- All results are to be considered provisional until officially ratified by the committee, such ratification normally occurring at the post race Noggin. However, where a result is dependent upon MSA or technical procedure (eligibility check, protest, etc.) then the ratification may be delayed until the matter is resolved.
- A competitor has 7 days from the date of ratification by the committee to query his/her points or those of any other competitor. After the 7 days has passed the points will be deemed final and no further amendments will be made. The only exception to this is where points are affected by the outcome of an official MSA procedure.
- In the event of any provisional race results or championship table being revised after any MSA or technical procedure, and such revision affecting the distribution of any award(s) the competitor(s) concerned must return such award(s) to the SuperHatch secretary in good condition within 7 days.
- Qualifying
- The grid positions for the start of each heat will be determined either by the SuperHatch committee based on a competitor’s previous performance, or by the fastest lap time set in qualifying for heat 1 and the finishing order of heat 1 for heat 2. Non-finishers will start at the back of their class.
- When grid positions are determined by any method other than qualifying times then the committee will decide on the manner in which the grid will be formed.
When reversed on previous results/finishing order, a no show or penalty will not be placed near the front, for penalties or infringements drivers will be placed at the back of their class.
- Controller of the Series
The controller of the 2019 SuperHatch series will be the SuperHatch Committee. SuperHatch is affiliated with MSA. - Championship Sponsor
- One free set of sponsor decals and car numbers will be supplied by the club. Where there is a series sponsor or where a selected type of sticker/s is chosen. A fee will be charged for additional decals and car numbers.
- The proper display of all sponsor decals and car numbers is an eligibility requirement.
- Decals and car numbers (each class will carry a different colour decal) must appear as specified and compliance is mandatory.
- Sufficient contrast between the logo and the background must be maintained.
- No decals to be defaced in any way at any time.
- ANY sponsor decal not in the correct place on the car will result in points being deducted from the driver’s championship points;
1st offence – warning, thereafter 1 point per decal, per heat
ONLY in extreme circumstances of the committee not having the decals with them, or due to an accident, where the specific body panel is missing, will this penalty not apply.
- Series Championship
- The championship will consist of points scoring events, of which the majority will be race meetings. The overall champion will be the person with the highest number of points. The youth championship will be run for competitors between the ages of 14 and 16 years of age, and will not be eligible for the overall championship.
- Should there be a tie then the competitor with the greater number of first places will be declared champion. If this does not resolve the tie then seconds, failing this, thirds and so on will be used.
- A competitor’s two lowest point scoring races will be dropped when calculating the final points. A non-attendance at a race may not be dropped as a point scoring race.
- Drivers finishing in the top ten overall in the championship may elect to use that number in the following year’s championship. However, this is not compulsory.
Any top ten number not used by the eligible competitor may not be used by any other competitor and will be left unused for that championship year. - The committee may designate certain additional events over and above the standard racing calendar as ‘short notice’ or ‘half point’ events. SuperHatch members must be notified of these at least 21 days in advance. Such events will be for half points.
- Classes
There will be four classes: A, B, C and D. A youth championship will be run in classes C and D only. - Yellow Card System
- All competing cars must be fitted with a forward facing video camera, in a position that allows for the driver’s input i.e. entire steering wheel including the full view out of the windscreen, during qualifying and all races. Should the CoC or Committee require footage, during an incident related investigation, from any race participant, and the participant fails to present the requested footage in a reasonable time, he/she will be penalised with a yellow card. This video material is to be made available to the CoC and committee in the case of incidents, Video material made available to the CoC and committee must be on a disk or suitable solid state media device in format usable on a Windows laptop. No video material will be considered if presented via the video camera’s built in viewing screen. Competitors involved in a racing incident, where it is unclear who caused the incident, where an investigation is required and neither of the involved parties be able to produce the requested footage, the decision will be left to the CoC’s and/or committee’s discretion.
Review of Incidents, In the event of conflicting incident reports from competitors and/or marshals and where no suitable video material being available on the day, the Committee reserves the right to hold over any decision/sanction until a later date or the following race meeting, or when video evidence (if any) can be obtained. The onus is on the competitor to obtain and make available any video material to support their case. - To discourage bumping yellow cards will be given to competitors who contact other cars in any official timed session (race/Qualifying/warm up). Yellow cards will be given to competitors who are deemed, by the SuperHatch committee, guilty of unsporting behavior. Unsporting behavior includes contact between cars in a race. A competitor will receive one yellow card per incident and therefore may receive more than one card in any official timed session.
- It is the duty of every competitor to report any contact with another competitor’s car to a committee member within 10 minutes after the end of a race. Should a contact not be reported and then external or other evidence presented within 30 minutes of the incident, indicates that contact took place then both competitors involved in the contact will each receive 2 yellow cards.
- The SuperHatch Committee reserves the right to investigate any incident and issue yellow cards at its discretion.
- Reserved
- Reserved
- If a competitor receives a yellow card he or she will be penalised as follows:
1st yellow card: no penalty
2nd yellow card: less 1 point
3rd yellow card: less additional 2 points
4th yellow card: less additional 3 points
5th yellow card: less additional 4 points
6th yellow card: less additional 6 points
7th yellow card: less additional 8 points
8th yellow card: less additional 10 points + suspended for the remainder of the championship - A competitor may appeal one yellow card per season only (even if the appeal is successful). If an incident occurs and the competitor feels that the incident was unavoidable he/she may appeal the yellow card. The appeal must be given to a committee member in writing within 7 days from the notification of the Yellow card. The committee will then decide if the yellow card should be removed or not.
- All competing cars must be fitted with a forward facing video camera, in a position that allows for the driver’s input i.e. entire steering wheel including the full view out of the windscreen, during qualifying and all races. Should the CoC or Committee require footage, during an incident related investigation, from any race participant, and the participant fails to present the requested footage in a reasonable time, he/she will be penalised with a yellow card. This video material is to be made available to the CoC and committee in the case of incidents, Video material made available to the CoC and committee must be on a disk or suitable solid state media device in format usable on a Windows laptop. No video material will be considered if presented via the video camera’s built in viewing screen. Competitors involved in a racing incident, where it is unclear who caused the incident, where an investigation is required and neither of the involved parties be able to produce the requested footage, the decision will be left to the CoC’s and/or committee’s discretion.
- Eligibility
- The SuperHatch series is by invitation. All competitors have to be SuperHatch club members.
- All racers must hold a valid/current MSA competition license.
- All hatchbacks must be presented for inspection and complete a compliance form. If the car is approved in writing, it will be allocated to a class based on the guidelines set out in appendix A.
- Cars not meeting safety and aesthetic standards judged by the Committee will not be allowed to race. The SuperHatch committee reserves the right to inspect racing cars at random and at anytime.
- Any new competitor to SuperHatch may, depending on previous experience, have to race two consecutive race meetings with a piece of bunting tape placed on the rear of the car as an indication to the other drivers.
- Protests
While the spirit of SuperHatch is to have fun when we race, there may be times when a protest might be lodged by one competitor against another.
- Where this is a driving incident, then the MSA white book covers the type and timing of such protests and this is outside of the jurisdiction of the SuperHatch committee.
- Where such protest is to do with the eligibility of a car, then this should be verbally lodged with the Technical Representative while the cars are still in Parc Ferme. This will allow the car(s) under protest to be held in Parc Ferme while the competitor lodging the protest completes the Technical Protest Form. The completed form must be handed to the Technical Representative within 30 minutes after the completion of any race where eligibility is in question. In the absence of the Technical Representative then the protest form should be lodged with your Class Representative.
- All protests must be submitted in writing using the Protest Form (available from the Technical Representative) and be accompanied by the requisite protest fee.
- It is intended that all protests be handled as quickly as possible, but where the protest entails the stripping of a car or the measurement of engine performance then the committee has as long as is reasonable to declare the result of a protest. Where, due to lack of time or the availability of the competitor and/or the Technical Representative, the protest is not resolved before the next event then the competitor will be allowed to compete in that and any subsequent events providing all of the seals applied by the Technical Representative are in place and unbroken. It should be noted that if the car is subsequently found not to comply with the regulations all points scored from the event where the car was originally protested until the results of the inspection will be forfeited. Notwithstanding the above, the protest must be resolved within 14 days of the last event of the season, failing which the car will be deemed to NOT comply and the penalty will be applied.
- Protest Fee – Note that to dyno a car and/or to strip it for inspection involves time and cost for the competitor and the committee member(s) undertaking the inspection. Any protest in this regard must be accompanied by a protest fee of R1000in cash or with proof of payment, which will be held until the outcome of the protest is known. Where a protest is successful then the protestor will have the R 1000 protest fee returned and the protested competitor will be held liable to reimburse the committee member(s) handling the protest. Where a protest is not successful then the R1000 protest fee will be used to defray the incurred expenses of the protested competitor as well as the committee member(s) handling the protest. Any of the protest fee not utilised to defray expenses will then be paid into club funds.
- The Committee has the right to call for any inspection or test of a car without having to lodge a protest fee. Any costs incurred by a competitor are not refundable whatever the outcome of the inspection or test.
- Where a protest concerns the performance of a car then the car will be tested using the designated dyno. The protested car will be sealed to prevent anyone from altering the performance and the car and must be taken to the dyno within 3 working days after the race where the protest was made. The power and torque will be measured and a new power and torque to weight ratio calculated for the car based on the recorded weight from the race where the car was protested. If no weight was recorded, for whatever reason, then the last recorded weight will be used to make the calculation. Should either the power and/or torque to weight ratio mean that the car exceeds its allowed maximum then another SuperHatch car will be tested and its performance used as a sample to compare the gain of the protested car.
The following formulas will be used:
Protested car = PC
Sample car = SC
PC new kW – PC previous kW
(PC previous kW) x 100 .= Change %
SC new kW – SC previous kW
(SC previous kW) x 100 .= Change %
PC new Nm – PC previous Nm
(PC previous Nm) x 100 .= Change %
SC new Nm – SC previous Nm
(SC previous Nm) x 100 .= Change %
Should either the power and/or torque change percentage of PC be more than 3% greater than the power and/or torque change in percentage of SC then the car shall be found to not comply with the regulations and an underweight penalty will be applied as per Appendix C. For calculation purposes, 2 decimal points will be used with no rounding.
Example 1
If a class A car previously made 89kW on the dyno and weighed 1030kg after the race the power to weight (PTW) ratio is 86,5kW which is below the max of 87kW/ton. The car is then protested and makes 91kW on the test. This makes it 88.34kW per ton, which is above the maximum for class A. A second sample car is measured on the dyno and it makes the same kW as it did at its previous test. Let’s say it made 60kW before and after.
PC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (91 -89) / 89 x 100 = 2.25%
SC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (60 – 60) /60 x 100 = 0%
Therefore the car is legal since the gain is less than the 3% allowance.
Example 2
The car makes 87kW after the protest. Then the PTW is 84.5kW/ton.
Therefore the car is legal since it has actually a lower PTW then before.
Example 3
The car makes 92kW after the protest and the other SuperHatch car makes 61kW.
PC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (92 – 89) / 89 x 100 = 3.37%
SC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (61 – 60) /60 x 100 = 1.66%
Therefore the car is legal since its gain is less than 3% more than the gain of the sample car.
Example 4
The car makes 93kW after the protest and the other SuperHatch car makes 61kW.
PC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (93 – 89) / 89 x 100 = 4.49%
SC: (new kW – prev kW) / prev kW x 100 = (61 – 60) /60 x 100 = 1.66%
Therefore the car is illegal since its gain is more than 3% more than the gain of the sample car.
Example 5
The same class A car made 168Nm and had a torque to weight ratio (TTW) of 163.11Nm/ton which is below the max of 166Nm/ton. The car is measured and now makes 173Nm. The sample car made 120Nm before and 121Nm after.
PC: (new Nm – prev Nm) / prev Nm x 100 = (173 – 168) / 168 x 100 = 2.98%
SC: (new Nm – prev Nm) / prev Nm x 100 = (121 – 120) /120 x 100 = 0.83%
Therefore the car is legal since its gain is less than 3% more than the gain of the sample car.
- Additional Weight
Additional weight will be added to cars to make the classes more competitive.
- The method used to allocate additional weight is set out in appendix B.
- The amounts may be reviewed and adjusted periodically by the committee.
- Exchanging Cars and Spare Cars
- No spare cars are allowed. The car used by the driver in his/her first official qualifying, warm-up or a race lap at a race meeting is the car nominated by the driver. A driver may, with the permission of the Clerk of the Course, drive the car of any other SuperHatch competitor who has already at least started a lap in official qualifying, warm-up or a race at a race meeting.
- No change of car is permitted for the Phakisa endurance race. A competitor must nominate a car that he/she intends to participate in at least 60 minutes before the start of the race. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, once a driver has started a lap in official qualifying, warm-up or the actual race then that car is their chosen car and no change is allowed (unless for fun only and not to score points).
- Additions and Amendments
Any provision unforeseen in drawing up these regulations and specifications, or any additions or amendments to be made thereto, shall be the subject of a circular to these rules, issued by the SuperHatch Committee in conjunction with Motorsport South Africa (MSA).
Appendix A:
- It should be clearly understood that if the following texts do not clearly specify that you can do it, you should work on the principle that you cannot.
- Ignorance of the Regulations will not be accepted as an excuse.
- If there is any uncertainty as to the legality of a car or any modification then it is the responsibility of the competitor to seek approval in writing from the committee before the modification is done.
- This must be done by submitting a completed Sporting and Technical Query Form (available from the Technical Representative) before the car in question is entered in a race.
- Classes
- There will be four power-to-weight classes. A Car will be allocated into a class based on its Power-to-weight ratio set out in the table shown below: (All values measured at the wheels)
Class kW/kg Nm/kg
A 0.087 0.166
B 0.074 0.141
C 0.065 0.124
D 0.055 0.104 - Weight includes driver. The kW and Nm must be measured on the designated dyno (see appendix D). It is compulsory that every car is dynoed before it will be allowed to race for points in the 2022 championship, no dyno readings from previous years will be accepted even where the seals are still in place and unbroken.
- Any ballast weight which is added to a car must be secured in a manner acceptable to the committee and the MSA Chief Scrutineer at an event. No weights may be placed outside the bodywork or underneath the car other than the safety washer to secure the weight.
- Once a competitor’s minimum weight has been determined there will be no tolerance if he/she is found to be underweight after any race.
- Reserved.
- If a driver changes classes after the first official qualifying/warm-up of a racing season, his or her first two race heats in the new class will not count for championship points, although he or she remains eligible for trophies or other awards on offer.
- A competitor may not add more than 80kgs of ballast (excluding success ballast) to a car.
The committee reserves the right to adjust parameters for a type of car in order to make the racing more competitive. This will be done through a balance of performance test.Practically how balance of performance will be done.
Run balance of performance twice a year. In June after round 3 at Zwartkops and September after Phakisa (this is the most practical as the calendar doesn’t allow post a Z event unless directly after the June test or the last race of the season)!
Only regular competitors may present their cars for BOP.
i.e. Competitors that have done at least 80% of the season to that point.
The competitors wishing to have their cars BOP tested will leave/drop their cars at Zwartkops.
A stig driver will drive the car during the following week and set a lap time.
The stig will then make recommendations to improve the car.- the car laptime set by the stig driver is close to the front of the class – recommendation the current driver needs more practice to improve. No car adjustment needed.
- the car does not handle / brake well etc. The car owner must work on the setup to improve performance. No car adjustment needed.
- the stig feels the car is sufficiently setup but the car is not able to do a competitive lap time. Recommendation – rule break for the type car.
The easiest rule break will to give the car more power to weight. ie. If it is a class A car that is 0.5 seconds off pace the recommendation may be that that type of car gets to run an additional 4kw per ton of power. Thus making up for the 0.5 seconds.
Cars that have been given rule breaks must be present for the second BOP Any other regular competitor may also ask for BOP 2/3 of the way through the season.
- There will be four power-to-weight classes. A Car will be allocated into a class based on its Power-to-weight ratio set out in the table shown below: (All values measured at the wheels)
- Body Shell
- The car must retain the original standard silhouette. In certain instances front splitters, rear boot lid spoilers These must be in line with the objective of maintaining a streetcar image and be approved by the committee before being fitted.
- Bonnet/engine cover must remain in the normal position and, when closed, must not have any non-standard gaps at any of their edges.
- Bonnets may not be altered in any way to manipulate the flow of air into or out of the engine bay. Additional air scoops mounted to the bonnet are prohibited.
- No additional panels, foils, covers may be added underneath the car to alter the airflow or for any other purposes other than as a sump guard.
- Any replacement body panels must be of original shape and material. Removal of material from anything other than the hinged panels (i.e. doors, bonnet & hatch) is prohibited. Spare wheel well must be retained.
- Bumpers must be retained aftermarket fibreglass front and rear bumpers are allowed, due to the cost and availability of the standard bumpers, but must retain the same look, size and design of the original bumper and will need to be approved by the committee. NO stiffeners/material may be added to the original bumper stiffener, and competitors may only fit stiffeners from a different vehicle to their cars if availability is a problem, provided that the function of the stiffener is unchanged. Only modifications allowed, are
modifications to make it fit properly. It may not be reinforced in any way. This modification needs to be cleared with the committee by written application. - No solid tow hook or other metal part may protrude from the bodywork, front or rear.
- The front windscreen must be safety glass.
- Side and rear windows may be replaced with a clear polycarbonate (Lexan) material of at least 2mm thickness. Note that Perspex is not allowed as this can splinter and is dangerous if smashed. The original window sealing rubber must be retained so that the car still resembles a streetcar. Windows may be in any position during racing but may not have holes of any sort cut in them. If any of the windows are replaced with Lexan then an additional 2% will be added to the minimum mass of the car.
- The driver’s side window must be able to wind down and up.
- Headlights, brake lights and rear indicators must work.
- All cars must have a welded and/or bolt-in roll cage.
- Permitted modifications: Fog, spot or driving lights (not headlights) may be removed as may any manufacturer provided knock out panels below the front bumpers.
- Ducting may be used for additional brake cooling, radiator cooling and induction. Holes may only be cut into the bumper below the front stiffener. Ducting may not protrude from any part of the exterior of the car.
- It is permissible to fit stress bars between the front shock turrets, top and bottom.
- It is permissible for the purposes of tyre clearance to fold back the return flange of the outer wheel arches, but deformation of the standard outer wheels arches or wings is not permitted.
- An isolator switch must be fitted into one of the main battery cables, capable of being operated from both the inside and the outside of the car. Its position should be clearly marked on the outside of the body by a red spark on a white-edged blue triangle having a base of at least 12cm. The isolator switch must shut down the car. For this to happen in most cars, an additional set of contacts is required as part of the main isolation switch. These are wired to the ignition circuit and prevent the car from running after the isolator switch has been turned. The isolator switch must also be the only switch required to isolate the battery and switch off the car. No additional switches should be needed.
- Rear view mirrors, one on each side of the car and one inside the car, must be fitted.
- Interior
- It is encouraged that the interior be retained except where modified to accommodate the roll cage.
- A safety harness which complies with the MSA rulings, with a minimum of 4 mounting points, must be fitted for the driver.
- A passenger seat is not mandatory.
- The dashboard may not be removed but may be modified for example: to cut the ends to accommodate a roll cage or to accommodate additional gauges etc. Dashboards must be brand specific – no Opel dashboards in a VW, etc. Non-model specific dashboards (VW Citi Golf dashboard in a Mk2 Golf) or custom dashboards will need to be approved in writing by the committee.
- All opening doors must be clad to obscure the inside of the door panel. The method and material is free providing it is neatly presented.
- Engine
- Engines are limited to a maximum of four cylinders for class B to D/ Youth Class. In class A the limit is 6 cylinders where the make and model comes out standard with a 6 cylinder motor. The engine and body shell must be made by the same manufacturer (i.e. VW engine in a Golf). No all-wheel drive cars are permitted – only 2 wheel drive cars.
- Engine mounting points and position must remain standard as per model. Where different motors are fitted, mounting points may be changed, solely to accommodate the motor, engine position, placement and height must remain as per model.
- Piggyback computer systems and after-market stand-alone ECU’s are allowed. However, the system must only contain one map. Multiple standard and/or after-market ECU’s are not allowed unless the standard ECU is retained for the sole purpose of controlling the cars electric components, it may not provide any function to the engine ignition, fuel and timing. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that the computer system can be sealed to the satisfaction of the committee and is approved in writing by the committee.
- Turbochargers and superchargers are allowed providing that the car was originally manufactured with a turbocharger or a supercharger (same as 6 cylinder engines). It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that the turbocharger or supercharger can be sealed to the satisfaction of the committee and is approved in writing by the committee. Boost may not be adjustable from inside the car and once set will be sealed.
- The breather system must discharge into a catch tank of 1 litre minimum capacity, and must be empty at the start of each race.
- Sumps may be altered but must remain wet sump. Engine and gearbox sump plugs and oil filters must be wire locked.
- The position of the radiator may not be changed, but larger radiators may be fitted.
- The location of the battery may be changed, but if placed inside the car must be placed in a sealed protective container capable of retaining the battery and its fluid in the event of the car being upside down.
- The engine must be sealed after being dyno’ed using a wire sealing kit and paint at the dyno test. The committee may, in its sole discretion, permit the seals to be broken at an event to facilitate repairs which it considers will offer no advantage. In such cases, the committee will re-seal the engine following the completion of repairs without requiring a re-dyno.
- Exhaust System
- The exhaust system is unrestricted but must be gas-tight from front to rear and follow the route of the original system and exit at the rear of the car.
- Tyres
- Competitors must use the series Dunlop Tyre available at ATS
185/55R14 H1/195/55R15 H1
Larger tyres for vehicles that come out STANDARD with 215/45R17 H1 tyre size, MAY apply in writing to the committee to run this size trye, ONLY if it is impossible to fit a 15 inch wheel over the standard brake disc - Rally type tyres may not be skimmed. Road type tyres may be skimmed, but only to a minimum depth of 2mm.
- No slick tyres are allowed.
- Road wheel rims may be used up to a maximum diameter of 15” x 7” wide (no split rims, no chrome rims).
- A competitor may apply in writing to the committee in order to build a car for SuperHatch, which is outside of the current rules. The competitor must state where the car is not compliant i. E. Wheel rim size. The committee will respond in writing either allowing or disallowing the request. If granted, the car will be subject to balance of performance in order to ensure close racing. This may entail reducing the power to weight ratio to compensate for larger tyres etc.
- Competitors must use the series Dunlop Tyre available at ATS
- Suspension
- Shocks are to remain standard as per model or Gabriel/Armstrong/Monroe/ Bilstein B4 replacement shocks as per model. (i.e. cannot use Nissan shocks in Golf, no other model shocks to be interchanged eg, no Golf mk1 shocks in Golf mk2, and no front or rear shocks to be used in each other’s places. No replacement, Koni, etc). Possible additional type of shock. The Gabriel/Armstrong/Monroe/Bilstein B4 replacement shocks with the shorter shaft are allowed. No modification whatsoever to the shock damping or casing is permitted. The standard shock shaft may modified (e.g. be shortened and re-threaded at the top by up to 30mm) only if specifically approved by the technical committee. This modification will only be approved if the sole purpose is to increase the longevity of the shock by preventing the shock shaft hitting the bottom of the shock casing.
- Springs are free, and lowered / up-rated springs are allowed. Bottom spring seats may not be altered in any way. Spacers may be added at the bottom or top of the spring, but may not be adjustable in any way.
- The adjustability of suspension geometry, other than specifically mentioned in these regulations, is limited to that provided by the car manufacturer for the standard suspension. Front anti-roll bar thickness and material is unrestricted but must remain in the standard mounting position..
- Rear axles on FWD vehicles may be stiffened/reinforced by ‘boxing’ the axle and adding gussets. The position of mounting points of the axle and its components may not be changed.
- Non-standard suspension bushes are prohibited, however rubber bushes may be replaced with polyurethane bushes (adjustable rose joints are not allowed).
- Camber plates may be fitted to the top of the shock turrets. Type and design of camber plates is free. The height of the top of the shock turret may be altered to accommodate the correct functioning of the shock, including a spherical bearing being attached but the shock tower must remain in the original position.
- The Golf 1 hub is prone to early failure and it is therefore allowed to upgrade it by fitting a Golf 2 Hub. This may be done by machining the Golf 1 knuckle to allow fitment of a Golf 2 hub. No other modification may be made and all other standard Golf 1 components must be retained.
- All cars which do NOT have independent rear suspensions will have a 5% weight deduction calculated on their base weight
- Suspension Geometry
- Maximum 4.0 deg negative camber per wheel.
- The bottom shock mounting may be slotted to achieve camber. If the bottom mounting cannot be slotted the top shock mounting may be slotted to achieve camber. Where this is impractical then bending of suspension components is allowed provided this is done safely.
- Camber and castor may be adjusted providing no modifications are made to the standard inner wings or position of the shock tower. The top of the shock tower may be modified to accommodate camber plates.
- The position of the lower ball joint may be altered in order to achieve camber by spacer plates/brackets. The sole purpose of this only to increase camber and/or castor by moving the ball joint horizontally – the position of the ball joint may not be changed in order to change the control arm angle. Spacer plates/brackets may only be bolted into place. No cutting or welding of control arms allowed, but new holes may be drilled to accommodate the mounting of the plate/bracket. Modifications of this type may only be done on the outer end of the control arm.
- Brake & Driver Aids
- Brake callipers should remain standard as per manufacturer, bigger brake discs up to 258mm in size can be fitted to any car (including the modification needed to move the callipers), and pads are free. An additional 1% weight penalty will be added to the minimum mass for cars that have callipers with more than 2 pots on the front brakes.
- For cars that come out standard as per model with discs larger than 271mm may run the standard disc, with no weight penalty. For cars that come out standard as per model with discs smaller than 258mm the minimum mass will be reduced by 2% unless bigger brake disk have been fitted as in 9.a. above (i.e. the advantage may not be bigger brakes and less weight).
- Standard disks may be grooved and/or cross drilled to reduce brake fade.
- Rear brakes on a front wheel drive car may be changed from drum brakes to disc brakes.
- Fitting of alternate brake piping / hosing is permitted.
- Brake biasing valve/system may be replaced with a proprietary pressure limiting valve/system but may not be adjustable by the driver while normally seated.
- For cars that come out standard as per model with Anti-Lock Braking, Traction Control, Stability Control etc. An additional 2% weight penalty will be added to the minimum mass unless the competitor can prove to the committee that the device has been disabled.
- Electronic/radio pit to car communication devices are not allowed in any official session.
- Cars which run an automatic/paddle shifts/DSG gearbox will receive a weight penalty of 5% on their base weight
- Ride Height
- Reserved
- No part of the car, including the front spoiler, may be lower than 50mm to the ground.
- Surge Tanks
- Fuel surge tanks are permitted
- Gearbox
- No modifications to the standard gearbox casing as per model are allowed.
- Gear ratios and differentials may be interchanged between models but must fit into the standard gearbox casing without modification and must be standard parts. Number of forward gears may not be increased to more than original specification of the car model. Sequential gear-shifting and DSG-type transmissions may not be added to cars where it was not available in that specific model.
- Limited slip differentials are allowed only if standard per model and that model was sold in South Africa, 2% will be added to the calculated minimum mass for these cars.
- A competitor is allowed one gearbox ratio change per championship year. This may be checked using the dyno.
- The gearboxes will be sealed at the Registration day at the beginning of the year
- General
- All components not referred to specifically must remain standard to factory specification.
- No changing mounting positions or bending of material. Unless referred to specifically.
- Driver Conduct
Guidelines for CoC and Officials of the meeting: any competitor who disadvantages another competitor by bumping said competitors vehicle, even unintentionally, which results in the loss of a place(s) during a race will, at the discretion of the Clerk of the course, generally be penalised so as to finish behind the competitor that was disadvantaged. More severe penalties will be applied in the case of repeat offenders.The vehicle ahead of any other vehicle in any “train” of two or more vehicles on the circuit may only change direction once in a straight line from one exit of one corner up to and including the entrance to the next corner unless involved in a genuine overtaking manoeuvre.
The clear objective is that all racing will take place on the paved circuit. Contact of any nature, including so-called rubbing, is highly undesirable during racing in the series. The aim is to ensure fast, competitive motorsport, where drivers use their skills to win races and championships on the track. The situations dealt with herein, relate to the behaviour of drivers in very competitive situations. The document is aimed at influencing drivers to race competitively but without destroying their own and/or other competitors’ vehicles and serves to provide the CoC of the day with guidelines to apply consistent penalties if required.
Refer SSR’s 46 to 66 (where applicable).
- Bumping and/or pushing of other vehicles on the circuit is not allowed and any drivers found doing this will be penalised by the Clerk of the Course in terms of GCR 157. The Clerk of the Course must consider infringements at previous events which resulted in penalties being imposed, when imposing penalties under this heading
- Any competitor who disadvantages another competitor, even unintentionally which results in the loss of place(s) during a race will, at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course, generally be penalised so as to finish behind the competitor that was disadvantaged. More severe penalties will be applied in the case of repeat offenders. Each case will be reviewed separately. If a competitor loses 2 places in an incident, but then has a DNF or loses more places as a result of other circumstances, a reasonable position penalty may also be enforced.
- “Close proximity” – It is normal for a challenging car to be in close proximity, by being directly behind, or to the inside or outside of the lead car within approximately 1 or 2 car lengths behind the front car and in a position to make an overtaking manoeuvre.
- The vehicle ahead of any other vehicle in close proximity on the circuit may only change direction once in a straight line from the exit of one corner up to and including the entrance to the next corner. (Eg. If you exit a corner on the outside and move across to the inside line to defend the next corner, you must stay on the inside line entering the next corner: Where the natural line exiting a corner is on the outside, but the driver then needs to move across the track to the opposite side for entry of the next corner (eg, from a left-hand corner to a right-hand corner and vice versa), any deviation from the “normal” racing line will count as a direction change.)
- Mirrors: Should a competitor’s mirror be folded in, the onus is on the competitor to take extra care when involved in overtaking manoeuvre. Excuses such as “my mirror was folded in and I could not see behind” will not be accepted. If a competitor has a folded mirror he/she should leave enough room for both cars to take the corner without contact).
- Straight Line Racing and Sweeps
- If the Front Bumper of the challenging car is behind the rear bumper of the lead car in a straight line or in a sweep, the lead car may change direction and defend the position.
- The lead car may not change direction to block the challenger while the front bumper of the challenger is ahead of the rear bumper of the lead car in a straight line.
- Attention is drawn to rule 15e in regards to rule 15f, i & ii.
- Remembering, once the lead car has defended by changing direction, the lead car may not make a 2nd change of direction.
- Entering the Corner (Phase 1)
- Two or more cars entering the braking zone of a corner together, it is expected of each driver that such cars will exit the corner without contact. Neither overly aggressive overtaking nor excessively defensive driving will be tolerated.
- The lead car may enter the braking area in whichever way he or she wishes inside, middle or outside, provided the rules above have been adhered to (see 15f).
- Once the lead car has entered the braking zone with a car in close proximity, the lead car may NOT change direction to block/crowd the challenger. (Eg, A driver may choose the inside line when there is a car in close proximity but may not drift across under brakes to then try and get a better line entering the corner).
- The changing of direction by the lead car in the braking area is prohibited as this would lead to “baulking” of the challenger, and any resultant contact between the two vehicles would be deemed the fault of the lead car.
- Middle of the Corner (Phase 2)
- If the challenger is on the inside in the braking area at the turning point and his front bumper is behind the centre of the leaders (B pillar) he will withdraw and forfeit the corner to the lead driver to take his normal line. (Note: Turn in point and not the end of braking zone, as some corners require turning whilst still on the brakes) Telemetry and video footage of previous laps can also be used by the Driver Standards Committee to determine the turn-in point if required.
- It must be remembered that the lead car has to- and will turn, with the aim of apexing unless the inside challenger is alongside and past the B Pillar at the turn-in point.
- If at the Turn in point, the inside car is past the B-Pillar of the outside car, the car on the outside cannot turn in and take the normal racing line and must give space for the car on the inside to take the corner.
- If at the turn-in point, the car on the outside is behind the B pillar of the inside car, the outside car will allow the inside car to take the normal racing line exiting the corner. (Outside car cannot try and hang it around the outside).
- If the Outside Cars front bumper is past the B pillar of the inside car at the turn-in point (Along Side the Inside Car) and remains ahead of the B-pillar at the midway point of the corner, the inside car must allow the outside car enough room through the corner and exiting the corner.
- If midway through the corner the outside car has fallen behind the B-Pillar of the inside car, 3 the outside car must withdraw and expect the inside car to take the normal racing line exiting the corner.
- Any bumping of the lead car from the back on the rear bumper is the fault of the challenger; (Provided no brake testing has been performed by the lead car).
- Furthermore, the bumping of the outside car behind the B pillar by the inside car is also the fault of the inside car, if the outside car was abiding by the above rules.
- The ‘Y’ or ‘T’ bone by a challenger on the inside of the lead car would be a clear indication of the challenger coming in too fast and stopping against the leader whilst he is turning into a corner. This indicates a clear intention of driving the lead car off the circuit or a seriously over-aggressive move and will be deemed the fault of the challenger provided the lead car abided by the rules above.
- The onus for a clean and clear overtaking manoeuvre lies with the challenger as he/she has a clear view of what is in front and the knowledge of the anticipated line that the lead car should or would take through the corner unless the lead car makes a premature or sudden direction change in the braking area, which would then be the fault of the lead car.
- Exiting the Corner (Phase 3)
- From the “apex” out (Mid Corner), if the outside car is past the inner cars B-Pillar at the turn-in point and remains there at the midway point of the corner, the inner car will take extra care not to drift wide under power forcing the outer car wide and ultimately off the circuit at the exit.
- This is exaggerated in front-wheel drive cars and drivers should exercise extra caution. The inside car should exercise extra caution to avoid contact, by lifting off the throttle, applying brakes or taking extreme evasive action. If there is no evidence of evasive action this will certainly count against the Inside Car. At the same time, the outside car must also take extra care not to crowd the inside car inwards of the racing line.
Appendix B:
- Additional Weight
- Success ballast will be allocated to each individual competitor to make the classes more competitive. The method used will be as follows.
- Class A / B
- 1st = additional 15 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- 2nd = additional 10 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- 3rd = additional 5 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- Class C / D / Youth Class
- 1st = additional 15 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- 2nd = additional 10 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- 3rd = additional 5 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
Ballast is applied after each race meeting according to the performance of a competitors previous four races (not including sprints, gymkhanas, and short notice events). Success ballast will be applicable for an event (i.e. both races). Note that a non attendance at a race(s) does not count for removal of ballast.Any competitor joining the championship after the fourth event of the year will be required to carry ballast for 2 race heats as set out below: - Class A / B: 40 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- Class C / D / Youth Class: 20 kg over and above the Class power-to-weight ratio.
- Scales
The committee reserves the right to use either the SuperHatch corner weight scales or the actual circuit’s scales for races which do not take place at Zwartkops.
Appendix C:
- Penalties
- If a competitor is found by the committee to be in contravention of any of the rules or guidelines set out above a penalty will be given to the competitor. Typically the penalty will be additional time added to the competitor’s race (heat) time. However the committee reserves the right to exclude a competitor from a race, an event and/or future events should the need arise. It is intended that the penalties will increase with each infringement; an example is set out below:
- Underweight up to 30kg: 1s / racing minute; 2s / racing minute; disqualified
- Underweight > 30kg: 2s / racing minute; 5s / racing minute; deliberate cheating
- Camber (any wheel): 1s / racing minute; 2s / racing minute; disqualified
- Ride height: 1s / racing minute; 2s / racing minute; disqualified
- No Dyno: 5s / racing minute; 5s / racing minute; no race
- Dyno on race day: 1s / racing minute; 2s / racing minute; no race
- Seals broken: 5s / racing minute; 5s / racing minute; disqualified
- No camera footage supplied when requested: Penalties will be applied as per rule: 10.a: for the first and second offence, any offences thereafter the offender will be placed at the back of their class starting grid, for their following heat and rule 10 a. will still apply in addition to this
- Any other infringement: 1s / racing minute; 2s / racing minute; disqualified
- Gearbox Ratios Wrong (per race meeting) 5s / racing minute; deliberate cheating
Deliberate cheating Banned from the championship for the remainder of the year and all championship points forfeited.
Appendix D:
- Designated Dyno:
- In order to allow a true comparison between cars, the committee will designate a dyno to measure power and torque output and notify SuperHatch members accordingly.
- Alternate Dyno:
- The committee reserves the right to change the designated dyno to an alternate dyno should the need arise and, with reasonable notice, insist that every car is then dynoed on the new designated dyno, even if the seals are still in place and unbroken.
Dyno notes:
Dyno Procedure for the Zwartkops & the Coast.
There will be a Designated Laptop for the Saving of the Maps
All cars that get dyno ed at Zwartkops for the Coast (Compensation)- Car must do 3-6 runs with Bonnet Closed & Fan on, we then calculate an average power reading for that car.
- Car can then get tuned for the Coast, the timing can be pulled back or fuel can be added on compensation.
- Car must then do 3 runs and not exceed the power reading from NO1 (Averages).
- Car will then be sealed as per usual.
All cars that get dyno ed at the Coast (Compensation)- 1-2 Runs to check CO’s.
- If CO’s are not safe then the Computer can get plugged in for the Map to be saved, the timing can be pulled back or fuel can be added on compensation.
- Car must do 1-2 to check CO’s.
- Car will then be sealed as per usual.
- Map can then be reloaded after the last race.
- Car will then be sealed as per usual.
- If the map is not reloaded at the track on the day, the car will have to go back to Zwartkops Dyno for a power run.
- The committee reserves the right to change the designated dyno to an alternate dyno should the need arise and, with reasonable notice, insist that every car is then dynoed on the new designated dyno, even if the seals are still in place and unbroken.
This copy of the rules is provided here for convenience. Should there be a conflict between what is published here and the rules published on Motorsport South Africa’s website, the rules published on MSA’s website will prevail.