Spurr Racing – 2019 Round 2

A race day cancelled is like a death in the family

This weekend saw us set out to the Midvaal circuit in Meyerton for round 2 of the SuperHatch circuit.

We had been to the circuit on Wednesday to get some seat time and we were very happy with the pace and left confident for a good result.

There had been some work done to the tar itself and some of the bumps had been dug out and filled a week before, a brave move, with a week to go and inclement weather…

Midvaal's surface broke up
The circuit started breaking up
Image by Mel Spurr

But, Friday arrived and we were at the circuit early and ready for the morning sessions, we went out for practice and managed 2 sessions, and we were top 3 in both, the results we were hoping for after our practice on Wednesday, but then the officials of the meeting along with the track owner took the decision that the circuit was breaking up badly and they would cancel the rest of the practice sessions, in order to roll out new tar/cement, anything to fill in the cracks and holes forming of the circuit.

By late afternoon a notice was put out to all competitors that the event itself was being cancelled due to ‘force majeure’

A very sad day for all of us, as never in the 17 and a three-quarter years of me racing has this ever happened (we have driven around cones before to avoid the potholes, but never had an event cancelled)!

It can only be summed up as something similar to a death in the family, as us petrol heads work ourselves up for each event and live from one to the next, for now this means our next event will take place at Phakisa on the 7/8th of June at the annual Phakisa 200km!